an addition to your dentures – such as adding a clasp or a tooth
apicectomy – removing the tip of the root of a tooth
a mouth guard to correct your "bite" (doesn't include a laboratory-made appliance)
free gingival grafts – when healthy tissue from the roof of your mouth is attached to your teeth where the root is exposed
frenectomy, frenoplasty or frenotomy – surgery to the folds of tissue that connect your tongue, lips and cheeks to your jaw bone
treatment for severe gum disease – such as root planing (cleaning bacteria from the roots of your teeth), deep scaling and a polish, or a gingivectomy (removal of gum tissue)
oral surgery – such as removing a cyst, or soft tissue surgery to the mouth or lips
pulpotomy – removing dental pulp (the soft tissue at the centre of a tooth)
relining and rebasing dentures
removing teeth (extraction)
root canal treatment
sealant to fill small holes or grooves in your teeth
splinting loose teeth – for example, after an accident (this does not include laboratory-made splints)