NHS Bands

Band 1


  • adjusting false teeth (dentures) or orthodontic appliances, such as braces
  • applying sealants or fluoride preparations to the surfaces of your teeth
  • a clinical examination, assessment and report
  • marginal correction of fillings
  • moulds of your teeth – for example, to see how your teeth bite together
  • an orthodontic assessment and report
  • a scale and polish (if clinically necessary)
  • coloured photographs
  • taking a sample of cells or tissue from your mouth for examination
  • treating sensitive cementum (the tissue that covers the root of a tooth)
  • X-rays

Band 2


  • an addition to your dentures – such as adding a clasp or a tooth
  • apicectomy – removing the tip of the root of a tooth
  • a mouth guard to correct your "bite" (doesn't include a laboratory-made appliance)
  • fillings
  • free gingival grafts – when healthy tissue from the roof of your mouth is attached to your teeth where the root is exposed
  • frenectomy, frenoplasty or frenotomy – surgery to the folds of tissue that connect your tongue, lips and cheeks to your jaw bone
  • treatment for severe gum disease – such as root planing (cleaning bacteria from the roots of your teeth), deep scaling and a polish, or a gingivectomy (removal of gum tissue)
  • oral surgery – such as removing a cyst, or soft tissue surgery to the mouth or lips
  • pulpotomy – removing dental pulp (the soft tissue at the centre of a tooth)
  • relining and rebasing dentures
  • removing teeth (extraction)
  • root canal treatment
  • sealant to fill small holes or grooves in your teeth
  • splinting loose teeth – for example, after an accident (this does not include laboratory-made splints)
  • transplanting teeth

Band 3


  • bridges – a fixed replacement for a missing tooth or teeth
  • crowns – a type of cap that completely covers your real tooth
  • dentures
  • inlays, pinlays and onlays – used to restore damaged teeth
  • orthodontic treatment and appliances such as braces
  • other custom-made appliances, not including sports guards
  • veneers and palatal veneers – new surfaces for the front or back of a tooth

Private Treatment Charges

Private Charges

  • New Patient Examination (including x-rays) - £90.00
  • New Patient Child Examination (including x-rays) - £40.00
  • Routine Examination & Scale & Polish - £90.00
  • Routine Examination - £60.00
  • Routine Child Examination 0-3 years With Registered Adult - Free
  • Routine Child Examination 4-18 years - £30.00
  • Amalgam Fillings from - £90.00
  • Composite fillings (White) From - £120.00
  • Root Canal Treatment From - £250.00
  • Crowns/Veneers From - £650.00
  • Partial Dentures From - £400.00
  • Emergency Appointment - £90.00 + Treatment Costs
  • Tooth Whitening - £300.00
  • Sports Mouthguards From - £75.00
  • Dental Implants From - £2500.00